Post by Jesper HolmbergIt would be quite difficult to achieve this, I'm afraid. This is mainly
due to the organization of content added to the site. A report is
basically a folder where we put everything related to it, such as inserted
objects. Everything which has to do with automatic treatment of this
report, such as the copy made when it gets published, is based on it being
a folder.
I seem to remember we had a chat about this once, and you said it might
be possible to simply store the comment media in the report's folder.
Doing it this way will have an interesting side effect: if someone adds
an object to a comment, and I (as the report author) like it, I can
easily transfer it from the comment to the report body.
As for Blab objects, doesn't the blab have a folder of its own?
Post by Jesper HolmbergAs a workaround, I would suggest using the toolbox of the WYSIWYG editor.
Just upload the object you want to include through the "advanced
interface" in your own home folder, and then add a link to this object
through the toolbox. I realize this is not as convenient as the "insert
object" functionality, but it works.
It works for me, it wouldn't work for kids - and for most plain users.
What I've instructed people to do is to create a new report, insert the
object, then copy it over. Not so elegant, but it works.
Yishay Mor
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